Programs > Prostate
Improving the Technical Quality of Radical Prostatectomy
What is MUSIC Video Review?
- Goal: Improve radical prostatectomy outcomes for men in Michigan through the use of video-based assessment of surgical technique.
- Improving surgical quality
- Improving patients’ functional outcomes after surgery
What we do:
- MUSIC surgeons that perform robotic prostatectomies (prostate surgeries) are invited to voluntarily submit to the MUSIC Coordinating Center a video of their case(s).
- MUSIC physicians rate a peer's de-identified edited videos for technical skill using validated measurement instruments.
- Examine relationships between technical skill, complications, and patient reported outcomes after prostate surgery
- Facilitate mentorship and coaching activities
MUSIC Video Library
- Interactive open forum to review surgeries performed by MUSIC physicians who submitted their videos from across the state of Michigan.
- Features:
- Witness variances in approach and technique
- Categorized by surgical performance - both technical skill, and outcomes using the MUSIC registry
To access the MUSIC Video Library, please visit our YouTube page.