Prostate Clinical Trials

What is G-MAJOR?
- Genomics in Michigan to AdJust Outcomes in Prostate CanceR (G-MAJOR)
- Randomized clinical trial (study that randomly assigns participants to fairly understand outcomes).
- Aims to assess if information from gene expression classifier (GEC) testing is helpful for both patients and their doctors in the management of care for patients with newly diagnosed prostate cancer.
- Collaborative effort between MUSIC and the Michigan Radiation Oncology Quality Consortium (MROQC).
- Goal: To better understand how gene expression classifier (GEC) testing impacts shared decision making about treatment for prostate cancer and to determine if these tests help physicians and patients decide on appropriate treatment.
- GEC testing examines the activity of genes in prostate cancer cells and estimates the aggressiveness of a patient’s prostate cancer and the likelihood that it will spread to other parts of the body.
- Can be performed on tissue from a prostate biopsy.
- Three different types of GEC tests: Decipher, Oncotype DX, and Prolaris.